Monday, June 15, 2009

Jaime Jiménez

I studied Physics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and pursued a career as a researcher in Space Science at the same institution. My interest in systems in its broadest sense led me to pursue a doctoral degree in Social Systems Sciences under the direction of Russell L. Ackoff and Eric Trist at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

I am full-time researcher for the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS), UNAM, since 1972. I am the founder of the Mathematical Modeling of Social Systems Department at IIMAS. Currently, I am involved in research in the science and technology, education and health systems. In addition, I specialized in development processes, participative strategic planning, quality of working life, total quality, and group dynamics associated to organizational change. I have developed and used extensively a modality of Emery and Trist’s Search Conference, named the Reflection and Design Conference, as a tool for initiating robust processes of participative strategic planning.

I was awarded the “Eric L. Trist Chair” at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, from July 1995 to June 1996. I conducted research projects for UNESCO, OIT, and Mexican public agencies. I was the scientific research leader of the project "International Comparative Study on the Organization and Performance of Research Units (ICSOPRU)" sponsored by UNESCO and the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT), that involved a survey of 221 research units and 1000 scientists.

I belong to the International Sociological Association (ISA) since 1986 and has been in the Board of RC23: Sociology of Science and Technology since 1998. He is currently President of RC23. I am editor of the Newsletter and the web page of RC23, and associated editor of “Science Studies”. I have published several books and research papers in specialized journals.

In terms of administrative positions, I have been Head of Department and Academic Secretary at IIMAS. Currently I conduct a doctoral Seminar in Planning at UNAM and have tutored several doctoral dissertations. I have been in consulting for private and public organizations, national and international, since the early 80’s.